Acta Veterinaria

Guidelines for Authors

Acta Veterinaria Hungarica (AVH) publishes original research papers presenting new scientific results of international interest on veterinary physiology, microbiology, parasitology, pathology, clinical veterinary science and reproduction. Manuscripts dealing with the following subjects cannot be considered for acceptance in AVH: study of the effect of natural/insufficiently characterised substances; model experiments of solely human therapeutic purpose; animal breeding experiments aimed at enhancing animal production. Case reports involving a single animal can be accepted only if the scientific novelty value of the case justifies this. Manuscripts failing to conform to the requirements of AVH regarding manuscript length (maximum 5000 words including tables, figure legends and references), format and style cannot be accepted for detailed evaluation. Submissions are accepted on the understanding that they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere and that they are subject to peer review. The cover letter of submitted manuscripts should be signed by all co-authors, or a declaration of consent from the co-authors should be enclosed. Papers accepted for publication by the Editorial Board are subject to editorial revision. Manuscripts returned to the authors for revision should be resubmitted to the Editorial Office within two months of receipt, accompanied by the authors’ detailed, item-by-item response to the reviewers’ and editors’ comments and suggestions. A copy of the Licence Agreement will be sent to the authors of papers accepted for publication. Manuscripts will be published only after receiving the signed copy of the Agreement.

Cover letter. Upload a cover letter as a separate file in the online system. The length limit is one page. The cover letter should (a) summarise the contribution of the study to the scientific literature; (b) declare that the manuscript has not been published previously, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and its publication is approved by all authors; (c) list 3–5 suggested reviewers (name, e-mail address, affiliation).

Format and style. Authors should consult a recent issue of the journal for style. Manuscripts must be clearly and concisely written in English (with British English spelling) and submitted online, using the submission centre of the journal: The text of the manuscript should be written in a MS Word file with line numbering, using Times New Roman font of 12 pt size. For general papers, the whole length should not exceed 5000 words (that is, about 12–13 printed pages of AVH). Divide the manuscript into clearly defined sections. Subsections may be used in the Materials and methods and Results sections. Each heading should appear in a separate line. Short communications should not exceed 1500 words and should include only one or two figures or tables. The main text of short communications should not be divided into sections but the structure of content should follow the section order of a general paper.

Title. The title should be a clear and concise statement of the contents in not more than 15 words (about 100 characters). A short running title of not more than 50 characters should also be supplied. This is followed by the authors’ full first name and surname, and the name of the institution where the work was done (together with the mailing address of the institution in the case of the corresponding author). The e-mail address and telephone number of the corresponding author must also be given in a footnote to the first page. Abstract. This should not exceed 200 words and should outline briefly the purpose of the study and detail important findings and the authors’ principal conclusions. Key words (5–6) should also be supplied. Introduction. This part should state briefly the nature and purpose of the work and cite recent important work by others. Materials and methods. Describe materials, methods, apparatus, experimental procedure and statistical methods in sufficient detail to allow other authors to reproduce the results. The experimental methods and treatments applied shall conform to the most recent guidelines on the humane treatment and care of animals. The ethics committee permission number and the owner’s consent should be stated whenever applicable. Results. Experimental data should be presented clearly and concisely, in a non-repetitive way. Discussion should be focused on the interpretation of the authors’ findings. Acknowledgement of grants and technical help.

References. The number of references should preferably not exceed 40. Only internationally accessible recent works should be cited. Citation in the text should be made as follows: Hinton (1995) described.... / … was reported earlier (Starr et al., 1978; Manson and Starr, 1979). List of references should be given in date order in the text but alphabetically in the reference list. Different publications having the same author(s) and year will be distinguished by, e.g., 1992a, 1992b. The reference list at the end of the paper, arranged in alphabetical order of the authors’ surnames, without serial numbers, should be drawn up according to the following models. For journals: names and initials of all authors, year of publication (in parentheses), colon, English title of the paper (if the original title is not English, indicate in parentheses, e.g. [in French]), abbreviated journal title, volume number, first and last pages. For books: names and initials of authors/editors, year (in parentheses), title, publisher, place of publication, page number. For book chapters: names and initials of authors, year (in parentheses), title of chapter, In: names and initials of editor(s) (eds), title of book, publisher, place of publication, first and last page numbers of chapter.

Tables. They should be typed on separate sheets at the end of the paper and have a concise heading each. Tables are to be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. All tables should be referred to in the text.

Illustrations. Photographs should be submitted electronically in TIF, PNG or JPG format in separate files (in at least 300 dpi).

Figures. It is important to send graphs either in the original file format in which they were prepared (e.g. .xlsx), or in image formats (PNG, TIFF or JPG; in at least 600 dpi). Images inserted into a Word document are not acceptable. This ensures that the figures are editable by the editorial staff. Statements on magnification are not acceptable, and bars should be used instead. Histograms should be kept simple, be two-dimensional, have no background grid, and tones and colours should be avoided. Please use only Arial or Helvetica (non-boldface) fonts in your illustrations. Please submit images near to the desired size of the printed version and ensure that all captions on the figures are easy to read. Colour figures submitted by the authors will appear in colour on the web; however, the extra cost of colour reproduction in the printed version must be borne by the authors. Authors will receive information regarding the costs from the editor after acceptance of the article. Figure captions should be provided on a separate sheet at the end of the manuscript file. All figures should be referred to in the text.

Abbreviations and symbols. Measurements should be expressed in the metric system or in SI units. All abbreviations should be spelt out in full the first time they are used in the text. Please identify unusual symbols on the margin.

Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author in PDF format. Authors are requested to return the proof corrections within 72 hours, indicating the necessary changes and their place in the text (page/line numbers, context). Any queries by the editor should be answered in full.

Self-archiving. Authors of Akadémiai Kiadó Journals are entitled to self-archive the preprint version of their manuscript. The preprint version is the Author’s manuscript or the galley proof or the Author’s manuscript along with the corrections made in the course of the peer review process. The Author’s right to self-archive is irrespective of the format of the preprint (.docx, .tex, .pdf) version and self-archiving includes the free circulation of this file via e-mail or publication of this preprint on the Author’s webpage or on the Author’s institutional repository with open or restricted access. When self-archiving a paper the Author should clearly declare that the archived file is not the final published version of the paper, he/she should quote the correct citation and enclose a link to the published paper ([DOI of the Article without brackets]).

Open Access. Authors can use the Optional Open Access publication model for a specific publishing fee. It is an option for the author to pay the Article Processing Charge (APC) and have the final full text version of his/her article published as an Open Access one. The full text of an Open Access paper is freely accessible through the official website of the journal. These papers are also published in the printed journals as well as all the traditional ones. The peer review process and the quality requirements are the same in case of both traditional and Open Access manuscripts. Both accepted new manuscripts and papers published earlier can be Open Access. The APC of an Open Access article is 1100 EUR (including VAT), but it can be even less. Akadémiai Kiadó offers discounts for Hungarian authors and institutions of low- and middle-income countries. Discounts may not be combined. The above fee does not include colour printing charges. By signing the Open Access Licence Agreement and paying the APC, the Author retains the ownership and further rights related to the Article while ensuring the wide accessibility of the Article in the written and electronic media controlled by Akadémiai Kiadó.